Wunderbar Together: A Report on the Diverse and Thriving Cincinnati-Munich Relationship

Ute Päpke, President of the Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati, submitted a report on the strength and diversity of the Munich-Cincinnati relationship, including its numerous forms of exchange, […]
Wunderbar Together: Celebrating 20 Years of the West Chicago – Taufkirchen (Vils) Partnership

Originating in both German-American exchange and a love story, the partnership between West Chicago Sister Cities and Taufkirchen (Vils) has just celebrated its 20th anniversary. The robust and innovative partnership […]
Wunderbar Together: Addressing Global Challenges Locally through the San Antonio-Darmstadt Partnership

As part of its partnership with Wunderbar Together, Sister Cities conducted an interview with Martha Henry and Ian Cruz at the City of San Antonio International Relations Office. San Antonio […]